Uniquely, the work of Sustainable Viability enables consideration of alternative ways to govern the provisioning of resources interdependent with issues of equity and justice. Such an approach realises the importance of feedback loops within decision making to understand the effects of multiple interacting investment, organisational, environmental, governance and social ecosystems of the sphere economy. How actions of each affects the many. How work on one Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) can impact on another – positively or negatively.
Sustainable Viability and the Sphere Economy
In reality, robust climate action needs to drive growth and jobs in fields that must be both sustainable and viable. To remain relevant entities, need to be responsible and resilient.
Integrating climate risks and opportunities into decision making is becoming normal. What is not normal is critical systems thinking in decision making: this raises the bar further creating optimal outcomes for communities, wider societies, the biosphere as well as the source entities of the original decisions.
In developing the sphere economy that is sustainably viable, we are driven by an evidence-based approach where original insight is founded on practical resource and waste efficient solutions that tackle multiple, three-dimensional issues simultaneously. (The 5 Essential Steps to Sustainable Viability).
We work with our partners to develop further insights and practical deliverable outcomes where society can flourish in an era that repairs the damage of the past.
At present, no research and delivery organisation has a comprehensive agenda that promotes practical action that recognises the importance of a sphere economy, three-dimensional systems perspective over time to decision making. Our unique sphere economy approach enables consideration of alternative ways to govern the provisioning of resources not only at points of activity but along and across value chains. Thus, issues of equity and faith in valuation of capital – economic, social, and natural – are visualised interdependently to help temper protectionist reactions and avoid unintended consequences from traditional decision-making processes that are detrimental to that capital.
‘Complexity is a core feature of most policy issues and in this context traditional analytical tools and problem-solving methods no longer work.’ [1]
The Sphere Economy realises the importance of feedback loops within decision making in a manner similar to the abundance creating feedback loops of the Biosphere. By this action risk, waste, emissions, and impact are better understood and can be better audited for comparability. As a result, multiple issues can be tackled simultaneously accelerating action toward an equitable and authentic net-zero outcome. It implies making three dimensional decisions in a three-dimensional world.
Current fragmented solutions unintentionally impose avoidable burdens on employers, individuals, and the environment that can harm the biosphere and communities they were meant to protect. The communications between government, industry and the third sector lead to misconceptions and mistakes being repeated or even amplified.
Complexity is a core feature of most policy issues today; their components are interrelated in multiple, hard-to-define ways. Yet, governments are ill-equipped to deal with complex problems.[2]

SV Activities
Our approach is to explore, research, understand and map extended relationships that define humankind’s impact upon the biosphere and between ourselves. Consequently, install a programme of actions that – working nationally and internationally with other public and private bodies – install systems thinking into education, as well as other public, private and third sectors. In discussing international trade to international aid advance the creation of symbiotic markets that increase job diversity, energy security, educational opportunity, economic development, land, and agricultural output, with the amelioration of health, well-being, biodiversity, and natural resources.
Sustainable Viability’s intent is to illustrate flows of material, energy, and information and how the relationships between energy, material and information can then be used to model how production consumption units can be remodelled to reduce pressure on ecosystem services, the inflow of raw material, and absorption of outflow that it will be useful in various ways – for environmental management, biodiversity, community and cultural well-being, and economic management. Climate Justice.

[1] OECD, 2017, Systems Approaches to Public Sector Challenges: Working with Change
[2] OECD, 2017, Systems Approaches to Public Sector Challenges: Working with Change